Three Book Bundle!

Get ALL THREE books in the
Award-Winning Annie The Porcupine Series for just $30, personally inscribed!
(paperback editions only)

New Release! Now Available!
I Can't Give Him a Valentine
Cody is the new kid in Annie’s class. With a purple belt in Quill Tae Kwondo and a love for pickleball, Cody is more amazing than carrot cake.
As her class gets ready for their Valentine’s Day party, Annie is worried. Her family doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, which means she doesn't have something special to give Cody. Without a gift, she's sure that Cody won't like her.
Although Annie has a fun afternoon planned with her favorite aunt, she can't stop worrying that Cody won't want to be her friend. But that may change as Annie learns the true meaning of friendship.

I Want A Birthday Party

Tomorrow is Annie’s birthday. She only wants one thing: a big party with a giant carrot cake, lots of presents, and all her friends.
But Annie's family doesn't do birthday parties. So, Annie will spend another birthday without the party she's always wanted.
Her friends feel sorry for her. And after missing Rhonda's western princess birthday party and Julie's party at Fort Carrot, Annie feels sorry for herself too. But that may all be about to change when the real meaning of birthday celebrations becomes clear to Annie.

I Don't Celebrate Anything
I Don't Celebrate Anything is the perfect children's book that explains that not all children celebrate holidays.
Fully illustrated with fun artwork and a message about caring and diversity.
"This engaging animal tale affirms that meaningful experiences exist outside holiday festivities." - Kirkus Reviews

What Readers Are Saying...
"What a sweet story. This book needs to be in all classroom libraries. This book represents many children who don't celebrate holidays, yet have amazing and beautiful traditions that need to be shared as well! I am so connected to this book. Personally, I am not so much into holidays, yet I have TONS of beautiful traditions in my family. Traditions so unique to us, just like the story in this sweet book! Totally recommended!" ~Yanina - Lets.celebrate.learning
"I’ll never forget when I was little I had a friend named Esther, and she didn’t celebrate holidays or birthdays. I wish I would have had a book like to this to explain to me that not all children celebrate the same thing or at all. This book is great to show children how others may differ from them. It is a great tool for parents and teachers to help their children better understand the needs and feelings of other children. The pictures are also well done, and it was a great book to read aloud."
~ Cara - BookShelfMama Book Review
"An excellent way to introduce children to traditions that may differ from theirs. Shares how whispers and questions can cause uncertainty about these traditions. The book is beautifully illustrated, and this helps to tell the story that Annie is sharing about how she feels. I highly recommend this book if someone asks why or to help someone understand before the whys and questions begin." ~Lara - Amazon Reader

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